<strong>Update – 23/03/2020</strong>
<strong>What should any member of the public do if they believe they have contracted the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) or if they have cold and flu symptoms that is concerning them?</strong>
The best information on the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) and what people should do if they have symptoms, are worried or come in contact with a person who has the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is found here: <a href=”https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/diseases/Pages/coronavirus.aspx”><strong>https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/diseases/Pages/coronavirus.aspx</strong></a>
<strong>What is COVID-19 (Coronavirus)? How do I get information on the virus and the associated issues/changes it is causing?</strong>
The best information on the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) is found here: <a href=”https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/diseases/Pages/coronavirus.aspx”><strong>https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/diseases/Pages/coronavirus.aspx</strong></a>
<strong>Can I continue to play?</strong>
NO you cannot. All BDAFA football matches have been suspended until at least first weekend in May. (Subject to change)
<strong>Can I continue to train?</strong>
NO you cannot. All BDAFA football activities have been suspended until at least 15th April. (Subject to change)
<strong>Am I insured if a group of us play/train/have a kick around?</strong>
During the suspension of football period you are not covered.
<strong>What information has been used to form the decision?</strong>
BDAFA is taking its advice from the Federal Government, which is communicating directly to FFA and Football NSW. This is an unprecedented public health situation and we will follow the instructions of the Federal Government.
<strong>What is meant by All football activities?</strong>
<li>Training sessions</li>
<li>Preseason friendlies</li>
<li>BDAFA Competition matches</li>
<li>Organised training sessions with external providers/academies/private providers</li>
<li>BDAFA Coach education courses</li>
<li>Football Club events (social gatherings, grading days).</li>
<li>Please note – Clubs and the BDAFA should understand and apply the Federal Governments guidelines around number of people and safe distances (1.5m apart) when organising meetings to discuss/resolve this issue.</li>
<strong>Who do I contact if I have further questions?</strong>
Players should direct their questions to their club in the first instance.
<strong>Do clubs need to shut down their academy sessions/extra training programs/links to external providers?</strong>
Players <u>or registered coaches</u> (Play Football system) are not permitted to take part in any football activity, which includes academy programs or extra training sessions that are directly or indirectly associated to your Club. Clubs need to be vigilant in ensuring this does not take place. Your club (and the players and coaches) are affiliated to the FFA, and you are required to follow the instruction that all football activities are suspended. You, the players and coach will not be insured. The concerns around a lack of insurance has now escalated from an exposure against injury to someone contracting COVID-19 (Coronavirus). The ban is on all football activities (except the A-League and W-League) which is being played behind closed doors.
<strong>What about the academy / extra training / one on one sessions some players inevitably take part in?</strong>
If players make individual decisions to attend one on one coaching or take part in external exercise activities, they need to seriously consider the ramifications for ANY player contracting the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) on the wider BDAFA football community. At the moment we are hoping to return to football activities in the near future. The reality is that when we return to playing and training, if a player or coach contracts the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) a series of containments and shutdowns will take place that could jeopardise on-going competition matches.
<strong>What does this mean for our competitions structure?</strong>
As it stands, BDAFA will be able to complete a full season starting the first week of May. It is fair to assume that football will be different in 2020 to any other year as our country and the world, is in the middle of an unprecedented public health situation.
<strong>Is there a cut off date where the season may be called off?</strong>
No. The situation is highly unpredictable and as we have seen to this time, it can change at any time. We will continue to take advice from the Federal Government and then make decisions on that direction.
<strong>Will we still have semi finals / grand finals?</strong>
It is fair to assume that football will be different in 2020 to any other year as our country is in the middle of an unprecedented public health situation. It is the intention of BDAFA to re-shape the competition structure so all players get to play as many football games as possible. Grand Final day is an important part of our annual calendar and we want to retain that, if the event is permissible under any restrictions the Federal Government may have in place at the time.
<strong>What about Gala days</strong>
Gala days are not permitted under the current Federal Government guidelines as they constitute a mass gathering and are suspended under the current ban on all football activities.
<strong>What happens to my registration fees?</strong>
At this stage the suspension of football takes into account a minimal disruption that we will work to make up throughout the season as best as possible. We are delaying the start of the season, not cancelling. We are working through some details around real cost savings that occur due to the fact some games will be lost. We will make a final decision on registration fees when we know the full extent of the disruption and it will be based on the broad principle of trying to ensure that all Clubs, BDAFA, Football NSW and FFA are able to get through this difficult time in a position that will enable football as we know it to continue into the future. We need to make sure that when football and life in Australia returns to normal that we have a sport, clubs and an infrastructure that will allow us all to continue to play.
<strong>What happens if I de-register?</strong>
A player is entitled to de-register, but they need to understand the following. A final decision around any refund of fees for people who deregister will be made when the clubs and BDAFA know the full extent of the disruption and it will be based on the broad principle of trying to ensure that all Clubs, BDAFA, Football NSW and FFA are able to get through this difficult time in a position that will enable football as we know it to continue into the future.
<strong>What is happening to the fees that go to Football NSW and FFA?</strong>
As you can imagine the initial concerns of the FFA and Football NSW has centered on the initial response to the actual issue. At this point in time Football NSW and FFA have not given any indication in relation to this. This will form part of the broader discussion around the viability of all levels of the game moving forward. We need to make sure that when football and life in Australia returns to normal that we have a sport, clubs and an infrastructure that will allow us all to continue to play.
<strong>What happens to the Active Kids voucher that was used to pay registration?</strong>
We are currently in discussion with Football NSW and will provide updates as they are released.